Drone boat how to? (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: Drone boat how to?
Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
How do i set the bot to farm anomalies on a drone boat? basically under General Hunter Settings it forces me to put an Ammo Name, and since it cant find it (im on a drone only ship) it just disconnects...
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 4
Re: Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 828
Hi, hunt bot has no drone support. Better to refund your order as I dont know when I start to work on drones here.
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Re: Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
maybe ill exchange it for something else.. whats the best bot you have? which one makes the most isk/h?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 4
Re: Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 828
Trader is best bot in terms of isk/h ratio, but you need funds, skills and standings to use trader efficiently. If you have 50 bils you can do 1-1.5 bil/day easily. With 10 bils and attention to a trader, your income will be 500-700 mils/day. If you have less then 2 bils, better to use courier to do initial funds. Courier is safer bot then miner, as players do not notice as courier works and do not send any petitions. Courier will do 3 bils/month or more if you select corporations with better LP/ISK ratio.
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Re: Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 4
Is there somewhere to look at NPC corp ISK/LP by any chance?
Expert Boarder
Posts: 361
Re: Drone boat how to? 9 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 828
I like russian website. Here you can predict your LP/ISK return based on the number of items you plan to buy for LP and current buy price and volume for the item in Jita.
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