AbnomalyHunter logs off EVE after 1 wave (0 viewing)
TOPIC: AbnomalyHunter logs off EVE after 1 wave
AbnomalyHunter logs off EVE after 1 wave 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi there
Having some issues with abnomalyhunting, seems like it jumps to a site, either clears it, or only clears 1 wave, after that it return to station, and logs me off EVE everytime
And can i use smartbombs for the frigats?
Re: AbnomalyHunter logs off EVE after 1 wave 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 828
Dont bookmark station itself, but space near station.
Nope, smartbombs not used.
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