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create history file for auto trader
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create history file for auto trader 2 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 0
I'm trying to setup auto trader and while following the directions
EVE Pilot GUI Overview -> AutoTrader -> Auto Trader Settings -> step 5

When I click on "Create History File" I get these messages/errors...

"12 November 2022. Trade history API does not work due to maintenance on the CCP API server. If you want to try click YES"

"History file contains trade volume information for selected region. You need to generate it once when you changed region or if new items added to eve. Depending on internet conection speed download process may take up to 30 minutes. To start process click OK. You will see another message when the process complete"

"Too much errors. Current error limit: 0. This might be ESI API maintenance. Cancelling task"

"Exception occurred"

What's going on?
Fresh Boarder
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Re: create history file for auto trader 2 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 828
CCP disabled history endpoint and atm no ETA available when this will work again. This endpoint was used to ddos server. Bot uses old history file now. History file is used to know average trade volume per day for the items. Trade volume does not change a lot, so old file works too. The only problem is that trader does not work with new items.

If you want to create fresh history file you can add all items to the market exporter list. Deactivate trade function and order installer functions and start bot selecting "evetrader" as algorithm. Bot will export all data in game and this will take 6+ hours. We did this long time ago when API server did not exist I did not test this functional. Nobody used it since API worked well. In case of a problem report bug and I will fix.
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Re: create history file for auto trader 2 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 828
Check eve forums to get more info
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Re: create history file for auto trader 2 г. назад Репутация: 0
Would adding support for importing these CSV files help in the interim?

Fresh Boarder
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Re: create history file for auto trader 2 г. назад Репутация: 828
Trader perfectly works w/o updated history file. If you want to add newest items, not included in history file you can generate it using ingame market exporter (as we did 10 year ago before CCP added API). Tick all checkboxes in group selector. You may skip blueprints although. Click "add group" button to add all items to the listview. Tick Enable and Update history. In other settings disable trade and order installation functions so bot will work as market analyzer. Start bot and wait whole day to export history data of all 20k+ items

I did not check how it works for quite a lot of time. If you will find any problems report.
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Re: create history file for auto trader 1 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 0
I am 2 days in and im still on the letter "C"
Fresh Boarder
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