Всё время закрывается один из курьеров. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться в чем дело.
Предупреждение: Помехи!
02:56:43: CourierAgentDialog(300)
02:56:47 (3638) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
02:56:47 (3638) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
02:56:50 (3641) newmessage is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
02:56:52 (3643) Window opened (newmessage). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
02:57:14 (3665) Agent is ready to give new mission, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:22 (3674) Mission text detected, Func : CourierAgentDialog
Lost That Bet (2 of 5) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Bring Item Objective
Acquire these goods:
Drop-off Location 1.0 Ikuchi VI - Moon 6 - Ytiri Storage
Item 1 x Dolls (1.0 m³)
Go to the set location and wait for a drop. Return the item to your agent.
Location 1.0 Ikuchi
The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:
11,000 ISK
10 Loyalty Points.
Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 28 minutes
9,900 ISK
02:57:22 (3674) Cancelling mission by type (not courier) or by low sec., Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:22 (3674) Cancelling Mission Condition. CTM: True, CBF1:False, CBF2:False, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:22 (3674) Updating agent cancellation time. New Agent, ID: 3016134, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:25 (3676) Statistics update here, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:25 (3676) Mission Declined. Starting second attempt to draw mission, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:26 (3677) Agent is ready to give new mission, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:33 (3684) Mission text detected, Func : CourierAgentDialog
Lost That Bet (2 of 5) Objectives
The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:
Bring Item Objective
Acquire these goods:
Go to the set location and wait for a drop. Return the item to your agent.
The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:
Bonus Rewards
The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 28 minutes
02:57:33 (3684) Cancelling mission by type (not courier) or by low sec., Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:33 (3684) Cancelling Mission Condition. CTM: True, CBF1:False, CBF2:False, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:57:33 (3684) Updating agent cancellation time. AgentID: 3016134, Last Cancellation: 0 hours ago, Func : CourierAgentDialog
02:59:32 (3804) Timeout while Cancelling Mission. Code 0, Func : CourierAgentDialog
---> 02:59:32: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 369 sec. in 4 runs (average 92 secs/run), Next Line: 900+
---> Desc: Returns 0 in case of any error
02:59:32: ErrorHandler(900)
02:59:32 (3804) PixelCoordMode: True, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:32 (3804) MouseCoordMode: True, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:32 (3804) ToolTipCoordMode: False, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:32 (3804) ErrorHander was called less then hour ago, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:32 (3804) WinActivate success, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:34 (3805) Recorded screenshot:C:\Users\Garrys\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\CR-1-2016-05-24_02-59-32_ss_desktop.bmp, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:34 (3805) Recorded screenshot:C:\Users\Garrys\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\CR-1-2016-05-24_02-59-32_ss_client.bmp, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:34 (3805) Mouse removed to neocom bar, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:35 (3807) Station space check passed with res=2, Func : ErrorHandler
02:59:35 (3807) Repeating errorhandler call. Code 0, Func : ErrorHandler
---> 02:59:36: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 7 sec. in 2 runs (average 3 secs/run), Next Line: 002+
---> Desc: Returns 0 if error confirmed and need to close eve
02:59:36: CloseEveWindow(002)
02:59:36 (3807) Thread: Processor, Func : CloseEveWindow
02:59:36 (3807) Window Activation:1, Func : CloseEveWindow
02:59:36 (3807) Closing eve window, handle:590494, Func : CloseEveWindow
---> 02:59:52: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 10 sec. in 2 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 001
---> Desc: Returns 1 if success
02:59:52: StopClient(001)
02:59:52 (3824) Thread: Processor, Func : CloseEveWindow
02:59:52 (3824) Argument is IntPtr.Zero. Nothing to close atm., Func : CloseEveWindow
---> 02:59:57: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 5 sec. in 1 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 001
---> Desc: Always returns 0.