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Abyss Hunter Fleet Mode Issue
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Abyss Hunter Fleet Mode Issue 2 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
I am trying to run Abyss Hunter in Fleet Mode with 2 characters in destroyers.

Each character runs on a physical machine and they share a folder via a network drive.

The characters bought the ships and modules with ammo and fitted their ships correctly. Then they formed a fleet and moved to the onfigured system and both warped to the safe spot bookmark (which both characters must have, as I figured out). Then they are sitting next to each other. They dont see each other in the overview on tab 3, which might be correct.

I constantly get the following log entries every few seconds and nothing happens:


20:12:27: AbyssHunterFightModule(400)

     20:12:27 (1521) New performance log started, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) OCR:115ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) StationSpaceCheck:30ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) Warp not detected/finished. Code 2, Func : WarpingSubStop
     20:12:27 (1521) WarpingSubStop: 33ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) SS renewal:70ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) SelectedItemWindowCheck:5ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:27 (1521) Selected items window detected, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:28 (1521) GetPresetNumber:134ms, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:28 (1521) Current preset = (1), Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:28 (1521) SystemProcessing:, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:28 (1522) Fleet validated or absent, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:31 (1524) Checking modules, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:31 (1524) Module damage not detected, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:31 (1524) Checking weapons group, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:31 (1524) Grouping weapons, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
     20:12:31 (1525) Grouping weapons. Code 2, Func : AbyssHunterFightModuleFast
---> 20:12:32: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 616 sec. in 137 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 400
---> Desc: Return 2 if work in progress

Any idea what I have configured wrong?
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Abyss Hunter Fleet Mode Issue 2 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 828
Check your fitting settings, each gun/launcher must be defined in high slot settings (even if they are grouped)
Better if you send me complete log. There is a info about your fit and used module settings for this fit
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Последнее редактирование: 10.10.2022 07:37 Редактировал Slav2.
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Re: Abyss Hunter Fleet Mode Issue 2 г., 4 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Logfiles sent.
Fresh Boarder
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