Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue (0 чел.)
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Сообщения темы: Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue
Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue 4 г. назад
Репутация: 6
So, I have caught my client sitting on the filament stacking and unstacking the launchers. It looks like if the stacked turret ends up in the third or fourth slot that evepilot gets stuck unstacking and restacking them to get a different position, but it always goes back to the same spot, even if it tries 100s of times.
Re: Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue 4 г. назад
Репутация: 828
I will check this
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Re: Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue 3 г., 12 мес. назад
Репутация: 0
Was there a fix for this issue? Mine has started doing this same thing.
Re: Abyss Hunter - Stacking Issue 3 г., 12 мес. назад
Репутация: 828
Try to tick shared setings->error corrections->disable exterior view. Also when you see this, minimize drone window for test. Check if bot stop stucking unstucking procedure. Something (color of a system, drone window effect) make detection fail.
When you see this next time wait when weapons grouped. Pause bot, focus eve, hit alt+printscreen. Paste image to any image editor (e.g. paint, control + v), save as screen.bmp and send to my mail. Check my signature
Постов: 16901
Последнее редактирование: 10.02.2021 23:45 Редактировал Slav2.
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