16:07:23: UndockSub(310)
16:07:24 (479) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
16:07:25 (480) Station space check returned 3, undocking not necessary, Func : UndockSub
16:07:25 (480) Stop ship command, Func : UndockSub
---> 16:07:33: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 31 sec. in 6 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 410+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if undock finished
16:07:33: CheckAnomalies(410)
16:07:33 (488) Applying parameter: reuse bookmark = True, Func : CheckAnomalies
16:07:33 (488) Current Anomaly ID is not defined, Func : CheckAnomalies
16:07:33 (488) Bookmark Setup: max bookmark number = 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:36 (491) PNP brought in focus, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) Personal folder is expanded. Pers:{X=110; Y=185}, Agents:{X=110; Y=271}, Shared:{X=110; Y=249}, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) Personal subfolder is expanded, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) Bookmark Setup: detected empty/white 1 line. Calc finished, detected bookmarks: 0, FL: {X=140; Y=225}, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) SS: C:\Users\18134\Desktop\EvePilotData\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) Using Anomalies Block, anomaly bookmark name is |01-Belt|, Func : BookmarkSetup
16:07:37 (492) No personal bookmarks detected. Code 1, Func : DeleteAnomalyBookmark
16:07:37 (492) No bookmarks detected in the system, need at least one bookmark. Code 0, Func : CheckAnomalies
---> 16:07:37: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 8 sec. in 2 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 900+
---> Desc: Returns 0 in case of error, number of boomarks is 0
16:07:37: ErrorHandler(900)
16:07:37 (492) PixelCoordMode: True, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:37 (492) MouseCoordMode: True, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:37 (492) ToolTipCoordMode: False, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:37 (492) ErrorHander was called less then hour ago, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:37 (492) WinActivate success, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:39 (494) Recorded screenshot:C:\Users\18134\Desktop\EvePilotData\ErrorHandler\HB-1-2020-11-01_16-07-37_ss_desktop.bmp, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:39 (494) Recorded screenshot:C:\Users\18134\Desktop\EvePilotData\ErrorHandler\HB-1-2020-11-01_16-07-37_ss_client.bmp, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:39 (494) Mouse removed to neocom bar, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:40 (495) Station space check passed with res=3, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:40 (495) HP arcs position detected, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:40 (495) Overview window found, Func : ErrorHandler
16:07:40 (495) Scan objects in overview passed, Func : ErrorHandler
---> 16:07:41: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 7 sec. in 2 runs (average 3 secs/run), Next Line: 002+
---> Desc: Returns 0 if error confirmed and need to close eve