today i losted a ship in anomaly with speed tanking.
Indead, rats used stasis on the ship,
But the bot didn't target/focus the target who webstasis for 2-3 minutes,
In the log file, we can see an error :
Предупреждение: Помехи!
19:42:45 (38725) NPC Respawn calculations took 173ms, Func : BeltHunter
19:42:45 (38725) Dangerous NPC: found NPC Index: 4, Name: **********(scrambling), Func : BeltHunter
19:42:48 (38728) Line to lock not detected. Name |**********|, code 1, Func : LockNPC
19:42:48 (38728) SS: ***********************************\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : LockNPC
Session was recorded in video,
I can send you if you want.