Появился глюк, после дт вылетает со станции и логофается, потом больше в игру не заходит.
Пожалуйста, посмотри лог, мож какие настройки нужно поменять. Чтоб после логов снова заходил.
"Отключить Таймер Error Handler" у меня галочка не стоит.
Предупреждение: Помехи!
21:39:19: AFKLogOffTimers(120)
21:39:19 (38687) Timers: 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=OFF, 4=OFF , next time=0, 5=OFF , next time=0, 6=OFF, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
21:39:19 (38687) Timers switched off. Eve process not defined. Code 2, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
---> 21:39:19: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 3573 sec. in 79 runs (average 45 secs/run), Next Line: 025+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if can continue (eve is off) or if afk timer is on but eve is off
21:39:19: FleetMode(025)
21:39:19 (38687) Applied parameter - reset fleet status true, Func : FleetMode
21:39:19 (38687) Fleet mode disabled. Code 1, Func : FleetMode
---> 21:39:19: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 0 sec. in 20 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 030+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if module disabled or if fleet members do not wait for fleet if fleet is not ready
21:39:19: StartEveAndLogin(030)
21:39:19 (38687) TimeRange check (local time): now 21:39:19, DTstart 20:50:00, DTstop 21:29:45, Func : DownTimeCheck
21:39:19 (38687) TimeRange check (UTC): now 11:39:19, DTstart 10:50:00, DTStop 11:29:45, Func : DownTimeCheck
21:39:19 (38687) New randomization interval = 57, Func : DownTimeCheck
21:39:19 (38687) DownTime not detected. Code 0, Func : DownTimeCheck
21:39:19 (38687) Timers: 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=OFF, 4=OFF , next time=0, 5=OFF , next time=0, 6=OFF, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
21:39:19 (38687) Timers switched off. Eve process not defined. Code 2, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
21:39:20 (38688) Restart label. Using version, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) System: Microsoft Windows 7 Максимальная , Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Theme Settings: SM_CYSIZE = 18, SM_CXFRAME = 4, SM_CYFRAME = 4, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Screen Resolution: 1600x900, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1), Registry NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1), Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Settings directory cleared, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Launcher settings directory cleared, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Starting eve, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) -->Switching character set as true (initial selection), Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Path B, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Settings validated: True, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Path C, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) -->Switching character set as false, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:39:20 (38688) Launcher settings directory is not empty, Func : CopyAccountEveLauncherSettings
21:39:20 (38688) Launcher settings directory cleared, Func : CopyAccountEveLauncherSettings
21:39:20 (38688) Eve launcher processes before start = 0, Eve processes before start = 0; SendMode 0, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:20 (38688) Windows: Microsoft Windows 7 Максимальная (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1), Screen: 1600:900. Counting windows before start. Counter = 79, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:20 (38688) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:39:20, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:39:20 (38688) Launcher not updated, start launcher - true, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:20 (38688) Create PC dat - false, start launcher - true, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:20 (38688) Starting new eve launcher: c:\eve\launcher\evelauncher.exe;, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:20 (38688) EVE launcher process is starting, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:25 (38693) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:25 (38693) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:25 (38693) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:25 (38693) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:30 (38698) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:30 (38698) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:30 (38698) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:30 (38698) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:35 (38703) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:35 (38703) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:35 (38703) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:39:35, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:39:40 (38708) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:40 (38708) Installing update... , Func : EVELauncher
21:39:40 (38708) Update percent changed. Last time: 07/30/2019 11:39:40, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:40 (38708) EVE update is finished by 4.08348457350272%, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:55 (38723) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:55 (38723) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:39:55 (38723) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:39:55, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:40:00 (38728) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:00 (38728) Installing update... , Func : EVELauncher
21:40:00 (38728) Update percent changed. Last time: 07/30/2019 11:40:00, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:00 (38728) EVE update is finished by 10.4355716878403%, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:15 (38743) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:15 (38743) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:15 (38743) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:40:15, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:40:20 (38748) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:20 (38748) Installing update... , Func : EVELauncher
21:40:20 (38748) Update percent changed. Last time: 07/30/2019 11:40:20, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:20 (38748) EVE update is finished by 16.5154264972777%, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:35 (38763) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:35 (38763) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:35 (38763) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:40:35, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:40:40 (38768) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:40 (38768) Installing update... , Func : EVELauncher
21:40:40 (38768) Update percent changed. Last time: 07/30/2019 11:40:40, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:40 (38768) EVE update is finished by 19.2377495462795%, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:55 (38783) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:55 (38783) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:40:55 (38783) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:40:55, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:41:00 (38788) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:00 (38788) Installing update... , Func : EVELauncher
21:41:00 (38788) Update percent changed. Last time: 07/30/2019 11:41:00, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:00 (38788) EVE update is finished by 79.7640653357532%, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:15 (38803) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:15 (38803) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:15 (38803) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:41:15, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 06:44:09, Func : EVEUpdated
21:41:20 (38808) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:20 (38808) EVE launcher detected and eve updated, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:20 (38808) Starting game using eve launcher, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:20 (38808) OpenBrowserLoginButton - false, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:21 (38808) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
21:41:21 (38808) PlayTriangle.IsNotEmpty - 2, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:21 (38808) !EVELauncherNewWindow.EveIsStarted, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:29 (38816) New eve process is detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:29 (38816) Total exefile processes count: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:29 (38816) New exefile processes: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:29 (38816) Name: exefile, ID: 1016, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:29 (38816) Process not loaded main window yet, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:34 (38821) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:34 (38821) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:34 (38821) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:41:34, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 11:41:29, Func : EVEUpdated
21:41:39 (38826) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) EVE launcher detected and eve updated, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) Starting game using eve launcher, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) OpenBrowserLoginButton - false, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
21:41:39 (38826) PlayTriangle.IsNotEmpty - 2, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) New eve process is detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) Total exefile processes count: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) New exefile processes: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) Name: exefile, ID: 1016, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:39 (38826) Process not loaded main window yet, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:44 (38831) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:44 (38831) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:44 (38831) Last DT UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/30/2019 11:41:44, Last Update Time = 07/30/2019 11:41:39, Func : EVEUpdated
21:41:49 (38836) -------------------------------------------, Func : ReportLauncherWindows
21:41:49 (38836) Several windows with eve in the title detected, Func : ReportLauncherWindows
Window: Title: EVE, Rect: {X=288,Y=34,Width=1032,Height=795}, Visible: True, Class: triuiScreen, Handle: 459258, ExtendedWindowStyleFlags: 0x100, WindowStyleFlags: 0x94CF0000
Window: Title: EVE, Rect: {X=207,Y=137,Width=1184,Height=580}, Visible: True, Class: Qt5QWindowIcon, Handle: 721332, ExtendedWindowStyleFlags: 0x0, WindowStyleFlags: 0x96030000
21:41:50 (38837) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) EVE launcher detected and eve updated, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) Starting game using eve launcher, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) OpenBrowserLoginButton - false, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
21:41:50 (38837) PlayTriangle.IsNotEmpty - 2, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) New eve process is detected, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) Total exefile processes count: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) New exefile processes: 1, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) Name: exefile, ID: 1016, HWND: 459258, Title: EVE, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) Title: EVE, Rect: {X=288,Y=34,Width=1032,Height=795}, Visible: True, Class: triuiScreen, Handle: 459258, ExtendedWindowStyleFlags: 0x100, WindowStyleFlags: 0x94CF0000, Func : EVELauncher
21:41:50 (38837) Title detected: EVE, handle=459258, desktop=65552, procName=exefile, Func : EVELauncher
Command Line:
/machineHash=d9512b97415d33963dec835d4e4a67d8 ""
21:41:50 (38838) Closing eve launcher after start, restoring settings, Func : EVELauncher
21:42:04 (38851) Login settings transferred from launcher directory to local storage, Func : SaveAccountEveLauncherSettings
21:42:06 (38853) Process is waiting for user input, Func : EVELauncher
21:42:12 (38859) EVE: T=34, B=829, L=288, R=1320, H=795, W=1032, dX=0, dY=0, C-mode=Relative, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:12 (38859) Waiting for character selection screen, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:14 (38861) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:14 (38862) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 297 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:15 (38862) Character selection screen not detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:15 (38862) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:15 (38862) Character selection count = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:17 (38864) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:17 (38865) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 294 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:18 (38865) Character selection screen not detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:18 (38865) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:18 (38865) Character selection count = 2, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:20 (38867) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:20 (38868) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 291 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:21 (38869) Character selection screen not detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:21 (38869) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:21 (38869) Character selection count = 3, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:23 (38871) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:26 (38874) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 285 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:57 (38905) Character selection screen not detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:57 (38905) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:57 (38905) Character selection count = 4, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:42:59 (38907) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:30 (38937) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 222 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:35 (38943) Character selection screen not detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:35 (38943) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:35 (38943) Character selection count = 5, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:37 (38945) Waiting For Character Selection Screen - main loop., Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:37 (38945) Waiting for character selection screen, timeout in 214 seconds, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:38 (38946) CharacterSelectionMailIconDeactivated: {X=114; Y=541}, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:38 (38946) ISKText: {X=341; Y=530}, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:38 (38946) SS: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:38 (38946) Character Selection Screen detected, faces not empty: 0111100110110101010001111 1100011110001101001011100 0000000111011110001100000, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:38 (38946) Character window detected, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Licensing Test: L=0, name=Puncha2_sm1_430.license, serial=2200-63CB-6552-8620-C0FF-A839, functional = sm1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Licensing Test: L=1, name=Puncha_hb1_35847.license, serial=13F0-B298-7DED-0612-C690-3A41, functional = hb1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Licensing: valid license found on the hard drive. Serial:2200-63CB-6552-8620-C0FF-A839, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Loading game, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Entering game, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:43 (38951) Entering first character. H1: , H0:, D=25, always use first char: True, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:55 (38963) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:43:58 (38966) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:02 (38969) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:05 (38972) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:10 (38977) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:13 (38980) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:17 (38984) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:19 (38987) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:23 (38991) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:26 (38994) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:30 (38997) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:33 (39000) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:44:37 (39005) Station space check result = 1, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:45:33 (39061) Eve client is foreground window, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:45:36 (39063) Station space check result = 2, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:45:53 (39080) Game loaded, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:45:53 (39080) Character Position Reset, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:45:55 (39082) login news window detected. XY: {X=56; Y=190}, close: {X=520; Y=667}, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
21:46:02 (39090) Window opened (pnp). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:06 (39094) Finish, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
---> 21:46:06: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 660 sec. in 3 runs (average 220 secs/run), Next Line: 130
---> Desc: Returns 2 if success there was no DT
21:46:06: BookmarkSetup(130)
21:46:06 (39094) Bookmark Setup: max bookmark number = 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Subfolder detection: lineIndex= 0, down=False, right=False, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Subfolder detection: exited when lineIndex= 0 == number of subfolders, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 1, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Using Anomalies Block, anomaly bookmark name is |B-IceAnomaly|, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:46:07 (39095) Bookmark in 1, name |-Ice st, 5 Angymonne (C| is marked as empty (not anomaly bookmark), Func : BookmarkSetup
---> 21:46:07: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 5 sec. in 3 runs (average 1 secs/run), Next Line: 180+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if success
21:46:07: StationSpaceCheck(180)
---> 21:46:07: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 0 sec. in 3 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 120+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if station detected
21:46:07: AFKLogOffTimers(120)
21:46:08 (39095) Timers: 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=OFF, 4=OFF , next time=0, 5=OFF , next time=0, 6=OFF, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
21:46:08 (39095) Timers switched off. Eve process exists. Code 1, Func : AFKLogOffTimers
---> 21:46:08: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 3573 sec. in 80 runs (average 44 secs/run), Next Line: 165+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if can continue (eve is on)
21:46:08: CheckLocalWait(165)
21:46:08 (39095) Local monitor switched off. Code 1, Func : CheckLocalWait
---> 21:46:08: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 0 sec. in 90 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 170+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if can continue
21:46:08: CustomDelay(170)
21:46:08 (39095) New InStation Delay =0, Func : CustomDelay
21:46:08 (39095) In Station delay switched off. Code 1, Func : CustomDelay
---> 21:46:08: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 68 sec. in 43 runs (average 1 secs/run), Next Line: 205+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if can continue
21:46:08: RefineOre(205)
21:46:08 (39096) Refining from orehold was disabled. Function does nothing. Code 2, Func : RefineOreStat
---> 21:46:08: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 0 sec. in 19 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 220+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if pod detected, if refining switched off or error during refining and need to unload ore w/o refining
21:46:08: UnloadCargoEx(220)
21:46:08 (39096) Accepted parameter 2:true, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:08 (39096) Accepted parameter 3:true, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:08 (39096) Accepted parameter 3:20, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:08 (39096) Using orehold, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:09 (39096) orehold is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:14 (39102) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:46:14 (39102) Window opened (orehold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:14 (39102) Station unload, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:15 (39103) stationhangar is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:16 (39104) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:46:16 (39104) Window opened (orehold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:17 (39105) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:46:18 (39106) Opening New Window - 1, Func : OpenAndSetupSecondCargoManager
21:46:26 (39114) Window opened (stationhangar). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:31 (39119) Select all command, Func : UnloadCargoEx
21:46:36 (39124) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:46:36 (39124) Window opened (orehold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:38 (39126) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:46:38 (39126) Window opened (orehold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:38 (39126) Cargo unloaded, Func : UnloadCargoEx
---> 21:46:38: ExitCode 3. Method consumed 331 sec. in 19 runs (average 17 secs/run), Next Line: 150+
---> Desc: Returns 3 if cargo unloaded to station
21:46:38: Random(150)
21:46:38 (39126) Random = 60, chance = 10, Func : Random
---> 21:46:38: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 0 sec. in 19 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 210+
---> Desc: Returns 0 if draw
21:46:38: EmergencyWarpOut(210)
---> 21:46:38: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 0 sec. in 19 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 242+
---> Desc: Always returns 0
21:46:38: FleetMode(242)
21:46:38 (39126) Fleet mode disabled. Code 1, Func : FleetMode
---> 21:46:38: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 0 sec. in 21 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 250+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if module disabled or if fleet members do not wait for fleet if fleet is not ready
21:46:38: Refit(250)
21:46:38 (39126) Refit function switched off. Code 3, Func : Refit
---> 21:46:39: ExitCode 3. Method consumed 0 sec. in 19 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 270+
---> Desc: Returns 3 if success, refit not necessary or switched off in GUI
21:46:39: MiningModeEx(270)
21:46:39 (39127) Window opened (localchat). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:43 (39130) Window opened (localchat). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:43 (39131) theagency is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:46:46 (39134) Window opened (theagency). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:47:03 (39151) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupTheAgency
21:47:03 (39151) Forward base not detected. Code 1, Func : ForwardBasePresent
21:47:03 (39151) Traveling OFF, CreateBM ON, Maneuvering Mode 2, Avoided 0 belts, Func : MiningModeEx
21:47:03 (39151) Mining mode: No Belts Mode, Func : MiningModeEx
21:47:03 (39151) Traveling mode: Travel when system empty of ore, Func : MiningModeEx
21:47:03 (39151) BM 0: Station, Func : MiningModeEx
21:47:03 (39151) BM 1: Empty, Func : MiningModeEx
---> 21:47:03: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 177 sec. in 33 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 730+
---> Desc: Returns 2 to log off till DT
21:47:03: CheckAnomalies(730)
21:47:03 (39151) Station space check gave 2. Space not detected. Code 3, Func : CheckAnomalies
---> 21:47:03: ExitCode 3. Method consumed 979 sec. in 62 runs (average 15 secs/run), Next Line: 735+
---> Desc: Returns 3 if space not detected
21:47:03: CheckLocalWait(735)
21:47:03 (39151) Local monitor switched off. Code 1, Func : CheckLocalWait
---> 21:47:03: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 0 sec. in 91 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 740+
---> Desc: Returns 1 if can continue
21:47:03: UndockSub(740)
21:47:03 (39151) Undock start time have been set - 39151, Func : UndockSub
21:47:04 (39151) Undock command, Func : UndockSub
---> 21:47:09: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 765 sec. in 173 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:09: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:11: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 767 sec. in 174 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:11: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:13: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 769 sec. in 175 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:13: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:16: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 771 sec. in 176 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:16: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:18: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 773 sec. in 177 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:18: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:20: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 775 sec. in 178 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:20: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:22: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 777 sec. in 179 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:22: UndockSub(740)
---> 21:47:24: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 779 sec. in 180 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:24: UndockSub(740)
21:47:25 (39172) Undock command, Func : UndockSub
---> 21:47:30: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 785 sec. in 181 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:47:30: UndockSub(740)
21:48:32 (39240) ScreenCapture: process not responding, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:48:34 (39242) ScreenCapture: process is responding, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
---> 21:48:35: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 817 sec. in 182 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 740
---> Desc: Returns 1 if in progress of undock, loop to the same line to finish undocking
21:48:35: UndockSub(740)
21:48:39 (39246) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
21:48:39 (39247) Station space check returned 3, undocking not necessary, Func : UndockSub
21:48:39 (39247) Stop ship command, Func : UndockSub
---> 21:48:47: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 829 sec. in 183 runs (average 4 secs/run), Next Line: 730+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if undock finished
21:48:47: CheckAnomalies(730)
21:48:47 (39255) Current Anomaly ID is not defined, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:48:47 (39255) Anomaly ID: WTF-496 is old and was removed from the table, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:48:47 (39255) Anomaly reset interval sec = 3600, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:48:47 (39255) (ANOMALY BUG) Time since anomaly scan sec = 6417.6245543, scan time utc = 07/30/2019 10:01:50, current time utc = 07/30/2019 11:48:47, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:48:47 (39255) Bookmark Setup: max bookmark number = 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:51 (39259) PNP brought in focus, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Subfolder detection: lineIndex= 0, down=False, right=False, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Subfolder detection: exited when lineIndex= 0 == number of subfolders, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 1, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Using Anomalies Block, anomaly bookmark name is |B-IceAnomaly|, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Bookmark in 1, name |-Ice st, 5 Angymonne (C| is marked as empty (not anomaly bookmark), Func : BookmarkSetup
21:48:52 (39259) Bookmarks (2):, Func : DeleteAnomalyBookmark
21:48:52 (39259) BookmarkName: |A-Ice st, 5 Angymonne ( |, IsWhite: False, IsCorp: False, Index: 1, Func : DeleteAnomalyBookmark
21:48:52 (39259) BookmarkName: |-Ice st, 5 Angymonne (C|, IsWhite: False, IsCorp: False, Index: 2, Func : DeleteAnomalyBookmark
21:48:52 (39259) Anomaly bookmark not found. Code 2, Func : DeleteAnomalyBookmark
21:48:52 (39259) DeleteAnomalyBookmark result: 3, scanning anomalies, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:48:53 (39260) scanner is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:49:06 (39274) Hide signatures - false, Func : SetupScanner
21:49:06 (39274) Finish. Code 2, Func : SetupScanner
21:49:06 (39274) Window opened (scanner). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:49:06 (39274) Start. ScanResults: 6, max: 21, no extra space: False, anomalygroup: OreSite, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:06 (39274) Scan Result: 1/6: PosIndex: 0, ID: KIL-712, D: 6.14 AU, Group: Ore Site, Name: Blue Ice Belt, MOP: {X=202; Y=142}, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:06 (39274) Checking keywords (1) :, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:06 (39274) |+Ice|, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:06 (39274) Anomaly name: Blue Ice Belt, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:06 (39274) Found keyword: +Ice, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:14 (39281) Send String: |B-IceAnomaly| to {X=459; Y=385}, Func : SendString
21:49:36 (39304) Bookmark Setup: max bookmark number = 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) Subfolder detection: lineIndex= 0, down=False, right=False, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) Subfolder detection: exited when lineIndex= 0 == number of subfolders, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 1, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) Bookmark Setup, green lines detected: 2, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) Using Anomalies Block, anomaly bookmark name is |B-IceAnomaly|, Func : BookmarkSetup
21:49:37 (39305) CurrentLocationIndex = 0, Func : CheckAnomalies
21:49:37 (39305) Anomaly KIL-712 bookmarked. Code 2, Func : CheckAnomalies
---> 21:49:37: ExitCode 2. Method consumed 1029 sec. in 63 runs (average 16 secs/run), Next Line: 705+
---> Desc: Returns 2 if new anomaly was bookmarked or old bookmark reused. Set parameter as true to reuse old bookmarks
21:49:37: CheckLocal(705)
21:49:37 (39305) Accepted parameter True, Func : CheckLocal
---> 21:49:37: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 0 sec. in 8 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 270+
---> Desc: Returns 0 if error
21:49:37: MiningModeEx(270)
21:49:38 (39305) Window opened (localchat). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
21:49:38 (39306) theagency is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:49:57 (39324) theagency is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:50:15 (39343) theagency is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
21:50:33 (39361) theagency is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
***Infobox detected***
21:50:48 (39375) Eve crashed. Code 0, Func : OpenWindow
21:50:48 (39375) Failed to open the agency window. Code 0, Func : SetupTheAgency
21:50:48 (39375) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:48 (39375) Bmp is null, Func : DbgSSCapture
21:50:48 (39375) SS: , Func : SetupTheAgency
21:50:48 (39375) The agency setup returned error. Code 0, Func : ForwardBasePresent
21:50:48 (39375) Forward base detection error. Code 0, Func : MiningModeEx
21:50:49 (39377) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:51 (39378) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:51 (39378) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:51 (39378) Eve crashed. Code 0, Func : StationSpaceCheck
21:50:52 (39379) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:52 (39379) ScreenCapture: process is null or exited. Result null, Func : CreateBitmapFromWindow
21:50:52 (39379) Eve crashed. Code 0, Func : StationSpaceCheck
---> 21:50:52: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 247 sec. in 34 runs (average 7 secs/run), Next Line: 002+
---> Desc: Returns 0 in case of error
21:50:52: CloseEveWindow(002)
21:50:52 (39379) Thread: Processor, Func : CloseEveWindow
21:50:52 (39379) Winactivation: window not responding, Func : WinActivateWaitActive
21:50:52 (39379) Winactivation: window to activate has no id. Code 0, Func : WinActivateWaitActive
21:50:52 (39380) Window Activation:0, Func : CloseEveWindow
21:50:52 (39380) Closing eve window, handle:459258, Func : CloseEveWindow
---> 21:51:07: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 10 sec. in 2 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 001
---> Desc: Returns 1 if success
21:51:07: StopClient(001)
21:51:07 (39395) Thread: Processor, Func : CloseEveWindow
21:51:07 (39395) Argument is IntPtr.Zero. Nothing to close atm., Func : CloseEveWindow
---> 21:51:12: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 5 sec. in 1 runs (average 5 secs/run), Next Line: 001
---> Desc: Always returns 0.