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Сообщения темы: Setting Breaks?
Setting Breaks? 1 мес., 2 нед. назад Репутация: 0
I am new to EVEpilot and read through the entire knowledge base without finding an answer to this question.

In the knowledge base, it is advised to not run the bot for more than 12 hours in a day. I would prefer to err on the side of caution and run approximately 8 hours per day. Is there a way to configure the bot to take automatic pauses and park the ship at station for a set number of hours - mimicking "breaks" that a human would take? Ideally, I would prefer to have the duration of pauses randomized somewhat so that the ship isn't mining for an exact amount of time day after day.

I would like this to be set up in conjunction with automatic switching of the VM groups, meaning that before shutting down a VM and moving on to starting the next VM the bot would be able to park the ship safely.
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Setting Breaks? 1 мес., 1 нед. назад Репутация: 828
You can use IDLE timer and set random breaks while bot is sitting in station. To make it compatible with VMManager use timers 4-5. They are measured since time when bot started.
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