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Сообщения темы: orca ?
orca ? 2 мес., 2 нед. назад
Репутация: 0
So with all the first run problems done. haha.
I am trying to setup a fleet.
The new problem is the orca will never dock because of the aggression timer. (booster links)
I have the links on highslot 1 and 2.
Rule 1.
And always on. 100%/100%
Or do i need to use array? Will this work with a corp structure of do it still need to be a array?
Re: orca ? 2 мес., 2 нед. назад
Репутация: 828
I did not make special algo for ORCA, but added a rule to miner to deactivate active module in high slots before warpout. Does it deactivate modules? Send me log file to look. How to record log is in my signature
Постов: 16901
Send logs to my mail -  with subject 'log files' to pass spam filter.
How to record logs in knowledge base
Re: orca ? 2 мес., 2 нед. назад
Репутация: 5
when the site finishes... it turns off highslot 1, 2, 3
but if a ganker enters the system and the orca flies back to the station... they don't turn off and the orca stays outside the station
Senior Boarder
Постов: 146
Re: orca ? 2 мес., 1 нед. назад
Репутация: 0
I did notice My orca turn off the highslots before warping to station.
The only thing i notice is the orca account will not get passed DownTime.
Not sure if in this part of the code it is not set to turn off the Highslots. Or My timers don't match the eve Down Time time.
Re: orca ? 2 мес., 1 нед. назад
Репутация: 828
damota wrote:
when the site finishes... it turns off highslot 1, 2, 3
but if a ganker enters the system and the orca flies back to the station... they don't turn off and the orca stays outside the station
Thank you for notice
Постов: 16901
Send logs to my mail -  with subject 'log files' to pass spam filter.
How to record logs in knowledge base
Re: orca ? 2 мес., 1 нед. назад
Репутация: 0
i did send you the log.
I extended the DownTime window. But again did not start after downtime. Sits outside of the station.
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