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How to write and send log file
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Сообщения темы: How to write and send log file
How to write and send log file 14 г., 8 мес. назад Репутация: 828
To record log you should open custom settings tab and select checkboxes as on the screen below:

Return to general settings and start eve. It will switch automatically on log view:

There are several tabs: client 0 - client 9 (green) and "other" (purple)

Client 0 tab (green) has contains main logs for client 0. "Other" tab (purple) contains general logs related to downtime/connect lost check and HP levels detection. So complete log from the progam is two files.

To open client 0 log in editor you should pause Eve miner (log will disappear from the list) and press "append log, open file" (Red)
If you want to locate this log on hard dive press "open folder" button (yellow). You will see several logs and should select latest log. Creation date is shown in the name of the log as well as program version number and client number.

To open DT/HP log switch to "Other tab"

To append current log to file and open it press "append log/open file" (red).

To locate this file press "Open folder" (yellow).

Zip both logs (or may be several logs if you use multiclient) and send it to me
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Последнее редактирование: 01.11.2010 09:47 Редактировал Slav2.
Тема заблокирована
Send logs to my mail - with subject 'log files' to pass spam filter.
How to record logs in knowledge base
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