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My Safe Botting tips
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Сообщения темы: My Safe Botting tips
Re:My Safe Botting tips 7 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Slav2 wrote:
If you use multiple accounts from the same computer you may prevent mass ban if you use redguard.
That link isn't working for me. Is there another program you'd recommend instead? Thanks!
Fresh Boarder
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Re:My Safe Botting tips 7 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 828
fightcancer wrote:
Slav2 wrote:
If you use multiple accounts from the same computer you may prevent mass ban if you use redguard.
That link isn't working for me. Is there another program you'd recommend instead? Thanks!

Civan's RG does not exist anymore and I doubt somebody else will release such application publicly. There was active fight between CCP and Civan and RG had to be updated (or at least checked) after every eve online update. Botting needs silence and calm, but not laugh on forums and twitter that CCP cannot detect RG like Civan did
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 4 г., 6 мес. назад Репутация: 0
i get banned instantly with this message

Repeated violations of section 6.A.3 of the EULA

You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.

i use wmware like in the guide

i have a vm with i use as a "adam" and clone it to use with other accounts

i got banned 3 weaks ago and since than all new accounts get banned

do i need to create a new "adam"?

Thank You in Advance
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 4 г., 6 мес. назад Репутация: 828

Dont clone vm, create new from scratch. Buy proxy or vpn and mask your IP address, if possible select server from USA. Never use Russian/Ukrainian IP addresses. Create new account and new character inside vm. Never login to eve using your host IP address with this account. Use IP guard function in bot to avoid logging in under your real IP in case of any problem with vpn. Never create two accounts on the same day. If you need several bots, better to make them in advance every week. If you plan to start several accounts check that all IP adresses from different subnetworks. Check for "route" parameter here, all IP addresses should have different routes. Never use brand new alfa clone for botting for longer then couple of hours/day. Brand new alfa clones attract more attention from CCP, I would wait at least 2 weeks while leveling skills only. Activate omega clone as soon as possible! Dont bot for longer then 12h/day. If possible do other things besides botting to not look like a bot. Open activity tracker and level one or another activity level. It is not difficult to install production or invention job, kill some npc and salvage wrecks etc. The more activities you have the less chance of a ban. It is good idea to switch activities completely (mining for 2 weeks then do courier missions then faction warfare etc). Most of bot types have lifetime licenses. You can switch license serial every 24h, so if you have 3 accounts and lifetime licenses for miner, courier and hunter you can rotate licenses between 3 accounts. Trader's license is general license type, may be used with any bot type.

When you register new account dont use the same e-mail, passwords or anything. Dont use "adam" as windows username for several vms, use random username. If you activate omega clone dont pay with the same credit card (besides if you purchase 500 plexs from distributor). Bot can do ISKs for first PLEXs but you have to bot for 12h/day for 2+ months with alfa clone.
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