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My Safe Botting tips
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 7 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Just got a 1 month ban for using the Deliverer Module of the Traders Macro.

Been running the bot using VMWorkStation. Have followed Safe Botting Tips for running VMware.
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 7 мес. назад Репутация: 1
CyberTroop wrote:
Just got a 1 month ban for using the Deliverer Module of the Traders Macro.

Been running the bot using VMWorkStation. Have followed Safe Botting Tips for running VMware.

I have also been using the safe botting tips, just had bought it and within 2 days my account has been banned.
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 6 мес. назад Репутация: 0
after 7 days of use my miner alt account banned for 30 days and checked new api data on EVE HQ. it shows -1,5 billion as it is approximate 7 days of mining as 200m per day. i was using same character for research, manufacturing and even for killing a pos with my main in high sec as war consequence.
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 6 мес. назад Репутация: 828
If you did everything right, you should not be banned in a week or less. If you scroll these tips you will find one main recommendation - try to be human like. You should not login from the same computer while bot is not working with different character to play eve manually. 6h online in a row is probably the longest interval you can allow bot to work nonstop. Second important advice is to mine in a systems where you have less chance to be reported. How would you know this? Mining in high security space will always attract attention from other players, therefore switching systems every 2 hours is must have. Despite if you already worked in the same system for a month before and nobody reported you. In this case better to not change your route. Mining in deadspace complex with ore is safer then mininng in a belt, mining in a belt is safer then mining in ice anomaly. Mining in the system where nobody needs minerals (no industrial slots) is safer then mining in systems with competitors. Just login to the system before DT and check if asteroid belts are full or empty. In last eve patch you can use POS-es in a systems without stations and compression array - probably also good move to hide your bots. If you have jump freighter you are a god if you mine in a system without direct connectivity to other empire system through high sec. There are zero competition, like in low sec/zero systems. Most bots caught corresponding to fanfest reports are from caldary space - better to avoid it. I believe CCP will tell you thanks if you are properly hidden and nobody reports you.
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Последнее редактирование: 29.07.2014 22:03 Редактировал Slav2.
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 6 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Hey guys sorry for hijacking the thread but is there a guide on how to set up the trader bot? and how do I purchase it?
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 10 г., 5 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Thanks for great advice. Let me get my char back first and i will extend the subscription.

What you mean system without....???? Like 0.0 dead end system but I can jump there with JF? Please explain?

Slav2 wrote:
If you have jump freighter you are a god if you mine in a system without direct connectivity to other empire system through high sec. There are zero competition, like in low sec/zero systems.
Fresh Boarder
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