My Safe Botting tips (0 чел.)
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My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 10 мес. назад
Репутация: 27
Before you go wtf is this guy on about i have been caught along time ago.
Basically CCP get petitions from players that think you bot. Issue is that they collect these and they more they get the higher your chance of getting banned is.
Now my tips to avoid the ban hammer.
1-DONT mine 23/7 thats how i got banned i swiched to 10-12 hour days
2-USE the afk timers everyone needs a bio break.
3-Some days sit there and pause the bot and just have a chat in local IF someones talking.
4-dont mine every day. If you mine every day its also a flag.
5-pause the bot and do other things like delete mails or que skills.
6-Buy the odd plex with real$$$ from their me they love this one
7-Work out a better way to transfer money to your main.
8-If you are logging alot of bots in from 1 ip address make sure you pay attention to them.
Just some tips from me. Best thing to do at ban hammer time is only run the bot when you can watch. If they ban you then petition straight away this will always get you off..... unless you have been mining 23/7
Последнее редактирование: 09.04.2011 10:07 Редактировал Slav2.
Re:My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 10 мес. назад
Репутация: 828
This is the only thread I desided to keep alive about bans. I am asking to not post anything about bans because our forum is not private. I think it is not good idea to reveal information about effectivity of the measures CCP is making against bots (especially for newer versions). I will make more suggestions about how to avoid bans in the future. If you was banned please send me mail with information:
1) what version of the program you used, what function (miner, trader, PI)
2) how much accounts were banned from the same PC.
3) have you created settings with fast first run or used wizard
4) how long you used your bot before ban
5) I will need additional information about your settings (botting time per day, using avoid PC measures, using custom delays, using traveling, mining ice or ore etc).
With your information I will get better idea how to improve program. My e-mail in my signature.
Thank you.
Постов: 16901
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Re:My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 9 мес. назад
Репутация: 1
9-Have 3-4 place to mine and change between them at random interval so you dont over mine one place
Re:My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 7 мес. назад
Репутация: 828
Starting from 3.11.2 version you can use additional featured.
First feature might make a change is using SendPlay mode to send commands to client instead of default SendInput.
You may do this with Menu->Tools->Click Send Input checkbox. SendPlay mode not properly tested and we dont have any statistics if this change do any effect on chance of a ban, but who knows.
Use custom timers #4 and #5. New timers 4 and 5 works as ON-OFF switches with random delays (in minutes). This feature will remove any similarities in your login/logoff times. Better to use combination of 1, 4 and 5 timers. 1st timer may define nightly time, when you "sleep", 4th timer may define random ON/OFF intervals during "daytime", 5th timer may define random ON/OFF days during a week. Dont mine every day, people have a rest from eve from time to time.
Dont mine more then 10 hours. Dont use bot to do something you cannot also repeat manually.
Dont make direct transfers from your bots to main account. Better to use public methods, sell something to your bot for 200% of a price, buy something from bot for half price using market. Test your methods with small amounts because using market to transfer money from one account to another is tricky (you will, probably, fail if you use market this way for the first time).
Dont buy accounts from other people, you may purchase character which was already banned before. The chance that you will get caught in this case near to 100%.
Постов: 16901
Последнее редактирование: 27.06.2011 04:44 Редактировал Slav2.
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Re:My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 1 мес. назад
Репутация: 828
If you use multiple accounts from the same computer you may prevent mass ban if you use redguard. How it works with evepilot is not tested a lot, I will add similar functional to evepilot later. Redguard is a third party tool and you are responsible for using it.
Постов: 16901
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Re:My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 1 мес. назад
Репутация: 1
Redguard randoms your computer specs, but does it random all the ip for each client ? I mean is it really dangerous to run 3 bots ( orca team ) from the same computer with the same ip less than 6 hours a day ?
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