how do you setup bot to use 2 characters (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: how do you setup bot to use 2 characters
how do you setup bot to use 2 characters 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
i have account with 2 traders. how do i setup the bot to use them both? right now if i login one the other wont work until i do first run. Then that stops the first one from working.
So can i set it up so that they both will work depending on the character setting when starting or if i manually select a character?
Re: how do you setup bot to use 2 characters 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 828
You cannot use two characters on the same eve account. Position of a character is saved on the CCP server now and bot cannot predict position of a character and switch characters.
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Re: how do you setup bot to use 2 characters 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
could i manually select the character at char seleect? just always use main on the bot then select it myself? ive tired doing it already but the settings in the 2nd char is always messed up.
Re: how do you setup bot to use 2 characters 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 828
You need to setup both chars as main (left position) and login to the right char manually before bot. You cannot switch chars at login screen while bot is paused. You will enter the game instead.
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Re: how do you setup bot to use 2 characters 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
so do to that i can do the first run on both characters setup as main and it wont delete the settings of the other one? like if i do the first then do the second it doesnt remove settings from the first?
ill try that when i get home.
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