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Perfect Trader Account
Gila Pilot, 5m SP
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You will get Gila alfa pilot with 5m SP (>500k unallocated) with original e-mail. Account was born in August 23 Leveled for med drones, light missles, passive shield tank skills, caldary cruiser and gallente cruiser Free ISKS >200kk Account was never used in RMT and has no private in game transactions (of any sort) to/from other characters to avoid in-game links. Account was created and used in VMware VM only. No hardware links or links by IP range to other eve online accounts. This VM was modified to avoid virtual environment detection. It used proxifier to mask IP address and firewall rules to block outgoing connections besides those coming from proxifier for public network. It is original eve client account, not a STEAM account. Not used for RMT or scams
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