new to trading and eve trader, need some help (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: new to trading and eve trader, need some help
Re:new to trading and eve trader, need some help 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
alll cool think im uderstanding it , 1 more question , what do i have to do (input) i never do trading in general) i know beter to try it lol
Re:new to trading and eve trader, need some help 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 828
craigst wrote:
alll cool think im uderstanding it , 1 more question , what do i have to do (input) i never do trading in general) i know beter to try it lolTrader requires quite a lot of money (more then 1kkk) to make good income. If you are new to eve and probably have no funds, better to mine. If you want to look into trading start from expanded cargohold II. This item sold a lot and bought a lot. You will have painful experience to outbid your competitors orders, lol.
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Re:new to trading and eve trader, need some help 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
i have a main with like 600 million , but looking at some charators to fund the game , my miner serving me well , might have to try trader one day
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