Remote buy order for EVETrader? (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: Remote buy order for EVETrader?
Remote buy order for EVETrader? 2 Months, 1 Week ago
Karma: 0
Hi there, I'd like to make EVETrader set up remote buy order under the 0.0 Tax Haven citadel in Perimeter. I have found the ID and filled it in, it shows the correct citadel name after update. However my trader still not using remote buy order but still puts orders in Jita. Is there anything I've missed?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 11
Re: Remote buy order for EVETrader? 2 Months, 1 Week ago
Karma: 825
If you use standard trader (not autotrader) you need to start it with parameter /r to use remote buy orders functional. Standard trader will not start collector to collect items although.
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Re: Remote buy order for EVETrader? 2 Months, 1 Week ago
Karma: 0
Thank you for your fast response! I'm using VMWare and VMSetup, the program automatically boots when starting the system. How do I add the parameter you mentioned?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 11
Re: Remote buy order for EVETrader? 2 Months, 1 Week ago
Karma: 0
Think I've figured it out myself, have written a bat file and run launcher by adding the parameter, works pretty well!
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 11
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