Trader/EVEPilot question (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: Trader/EVEPilot question
Trader/EVEPilot question 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I am curious if it is possible for me to make custom settings stick to the client configuration. I would like to set my market settings to enable the "Jumps" filter and set it to 0 of 0 jumps so i can only see current station/system orders. I would also like to enable the "Mark my orders" so I can easily see from a distance where my orders are on each item. Is this something I can modify in the EVE Cache or is it possible to make the bot set that up? Each time I close the client the settings are reset.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 15
Re: Trader/EVEPilot question 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 825
You need to pause bot during first run wizard and create custom settings you need then unpause bot to finish first run.
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Re: Trader/EVEPilot question 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Ty sir.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 15
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