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Since DT Bot cannot detect Launcher
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TOPIC: Since DT Bot cannot detect Launcher
Since DT Bot cannot detect Launcher 3 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
Constantly cycling on the launcher :

19:24:39: Goto(00)

---> 19:24:39: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 0 sec. in 1 runs (average 0 secs/run), Next Line: 020+
---> Desc: Always returns 0. Define the next label to go.

19:24:39: FWOnLogin(020)

19:24:39 (0) Registering drones: 5 x Hobgoblin I, Func : FWOnLogin
19:24:39 (0) Updating FW systems map, Func : FWOnLogin
19:24:48 (9) Download in progress... , Func : FWOnLogin
19:24:48 (9) VisitedSystemsByGroup count=0, Func : FWOnLogin

---> 19:24:48: ExitCode 1. Method consumed 8 sec. in 1 runs (average 8 secs/run), Next Line: 030
---> Desc: Returns 1 if success

19:24:48: StartEveAndLogin(030)

19:24:48 (9) TimeRange check (local time): now 19:24:48, DTstart 10:50:00, DTstop 11:23:22, Func : DownTimeCheck
19:24:48 (9) TimeRange check (UTC): now 19:24:48, DTstart 10:50:00, DTStop 11:23:22, Func : DownTimeCheck
19:24:48 (9) New randomization interval = 84, Func : DownTimeCheck
19:24:48 (9) DownTime not detected. Code 0, Func : DownTimeCheck
19:24:48 (9) Timers switched off. Eve process not defined. Code 2, Func : AFKLogOffTimers

19:24:49 (10) Restart label. Using version, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Theme Settings: SM_CYSIZE = 33, SM_CXFRAME = 11, SM_CYFRAME = 11, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Screen Resolution: 2160x1440, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5000, Registry Intel(R) HD Graphics 5000, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Settings directory cleared, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Launcher settings directory cleared, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Starting eve, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) -->Switching character set as true (initial selection), Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Path B, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Settings validated: True, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Path C, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) -->Switching character set as false, Func : StartEVEAndLogin
19:24:49 (10) Launcher settings directory is not empty, Func : CopyAccountEveLauncherSettings
19:24:49 (10) Launcher settings directory cleared, Func : CopyAccountEveLauncherSettings
19:24:49 (10) Eve launcher processes before start = 0, Eve processes before start = 0; SendMode 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:49 (10) Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) v=6.2, Screen: 2160:1440. Counting windows before start. Counter = 345, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:49 (10) Last DT UTC Time = 02/11/2021 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 02/11/2021 19:24:49, Last Update Time = 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Func : EVEUpdated
19:24:49 (10) Launcher not updated, start launcher - true, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:49 (10) Create PC dat - false, start launcher - true, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:49 (10) Starting new eve launcher: c:\eve\launcher\evelauncher.exe;, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:49 (10) EVE launcher process is starting, Func : EVELauncher

19:24:54 (16) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:54 (16) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:55 (16) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:24:55 (16) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:55 (16) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:24:55 (16) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:00 (21) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:00 (21) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:00 (21) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:00 (21) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:00 (21) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:00 (21) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:05 (26) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:05 (26) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:05 (26) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:05 (26) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:05 (26) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:05 (26) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:10 (31) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:10 (31) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:10 (31) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:10 (31) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:10 (31) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:10 (31) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:15 (36) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:15 (36) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:15 (37) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:15 (37) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:15 (37) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:15 (37) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:20 (42) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:21 (42) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:21 (42) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:21 (42) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:21 (42) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:21 (42) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:26 (47) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:26 (47) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:26 (47) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:26 (47) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:26 (47) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:26 (47) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:31 (52) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:31 (52) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:31 (52) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:31 (52) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:31 (52) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:31 (52) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:36 (57) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:36 (57) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:36 (57) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:36 (57) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:36 (57) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:36 (57) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:41 (62) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:41 (62) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:41 (63) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:41 (63) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:41 (63) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:41 (63) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:46 (68) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:46 (68) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:47 (68) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:47 (68) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:47 (68) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:47 (68) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:52 (73) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:52 (73) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:52 (73) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:52 (73) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:52 (73) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:52 (73) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:25:57 (78) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:57 (78) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:57 (78) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:25:57 (78) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:57 (78) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:25:57 (78) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:26:02 (83) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:02 (83) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:02 (84) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:26:02 (84) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:02 (84) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:02 (84) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:26:07 (89) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:07 (89) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:08 (89) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:26:08 (89) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:08 (89) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:08 (89) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher

19:26:13 (94) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:13 (94) Launcher window = null, unlogic condition, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:13 (94) SS: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVEPilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
19:26:13 (94) Total exefile processes count: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:13 (94) New exefile processes: 0, Func : EVELauncher
19:26:13 (94) Process not started/detected yet, Func : EVELauncher
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