Слав, при выполнении миссии "Miracle Drug" возникает вот такая ошибка:
Warning: Spoiler!
11:11:44 (7005) Agent window is not detected. Mission declined = True, Func : CourierInitialization
11:11:49 (7011) Finished work with journal, total missions: 1, starting missions comparison, Func : CourierInitialization
11:11:50 (7011) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:11:50 (7011) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:11:50 (7012) stationhangar is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
11:11:51 (7012) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:11:51 (7012) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:11:52 (7013) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:11:53 (7014) Window opened (stationhangar). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:11:55 (7017) Select all command, Func : UnloadCargo
11:11:59 (7021) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:11:59 (7021) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:11:59 (7021) Cargo unloaded, Func : UnloadCargo
11:12:00 (7021) stationhangar is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:00 (7021) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:12:00 (7021) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:01 (7022) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:12:02 (7023) Window opened (stationhangar). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:02 (7023) Loading cargo: Large Crates of Galeptos Medicine, Q: 4, Vol: 4000; Agent Kutatala Ikao, status: 1, Func : CourierInitialization
11:12:02 (7023) Performance load cargo block, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:02 (7023) stationhangar is closed. Opening..., Thread=Processor, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:03 (7024) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:12:03 (7024) Window opened (cargohold). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:03 (7025) Finish. Code 1, Func : SetupCargoManager
11:12:04 (7026) Window opened (stationhangar). Code 1, Func : OpenWindow
11:12:04 (7026) List of items to load:Large Crates of Galeptos Medicine#4, load all=False, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:04 (7026) =Load item by item block=, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:04 (7026) Items to load = 1, parsing item/quantity lines, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:04 (7026) Item: 1, Name: Large Crates of Galeptos Medicine, Quantity: 4, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:05 (7026) Send String: |Large Crates of Galeptos Medicine| to {X=559; Y=359}, Func : SendString
11:12:13 (7035) Activation point to count items = {X=400; Y=378}, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:17 (7039) Dragging item 1, quantity 4, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:19 (7040) SHIFT is down, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:21 (7042) SHIFT is up, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:22 (7043) Set quantity box detected, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:22 (7043) Send String: |4| to {X=421; Y=445}, Func : SendString
11:12:29 (7051) Set quantity box NOT detected, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:30 (7051) Search line present, erasing search line at the end, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:33 (7054) Loaded item. New start time is 7054, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:33 (7054) Load process finished. Code 3, Func : LoadCargo
11:12:33 (7054) Cargo loaded, but it has different size. Loaded: 400, used in table: 4000. Code 0, Func : CourierInitialization
---> 11:12:33: ExitCode 0. Method consumed 62 sec. in 26 runs (average 2 secs/run), Next Line: 900
---> Desc: Returns 0 if error
Как я понял из последней строчки перед exitcode, там очипятка, одного нолика не хватает.