AbyssHunter Not repairing drones in station (0 viewing)
TOPIC: AbyssHunter Not repairing drones in station
AbyssHunter Not repairing drones in station 3 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Is Anyone else having issues where AbyssHunter is not repairing drones and going a loop between the selected system and Jita in a loop?
Last Edit: 2021/08/05 12:52 By anonymous0089.
Re: AbyssHunter Not repairing drones in station 3 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 825
Send me log file as per link in my signature. Also make screen from your station and save as screen.bmp, send to me.
Bot detects repair shop image in station services to open repair shop. If image not detected, bot will not repair drones.
Send logs to my mail - with subject 'log files' to pass spam filter.
How to record logs in knowledge base