i had a tiny Problem
My Abyssal Bot do not enter the Site but switches to NPC´s in the Overview and waiting on the Safe Spot
I already sended a Email with the logs.
I tried to get it work the Abyssal Bot works with the Mining Folder i already created for EVE Miner.
If i Started the bot he do everything fine on start. Buy the Ship and Fit them. Purchase Ammo and the Filaments.
Jump to the System where i placed in. And there he Warp to the Safe Spot (Second green Entry in the Bookmark list)
For me it is an Belt in this System and then he do Nothing
I think there is a little failure i do but i cant figure it out.
Why i wanted to do that with the Mining Folder i had ?
I think there is no other way to fast switching what i wanted to do and not getting detected. I often switch between Courier / Mining ..... to get no detecting. But if i always had to switch all my Bookmarks this is horrible for me or there any other ways ?
What i have to say too is: All Bots i Purchased sience now are great in a way like no other before. It is really awesome !!! Great Work !!!