About looting faction wrecks (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: About looting faction wrecks
About looting faction wrecks 5 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
After fight, when site is clear, should bot be open wrecks overview, if fight was with faction npc, or it just do it automatically?
My settings: unchecked 'check wrecks', checked 'loot faction wrecks' 100000m.
Just 2 weeks ago, i noticed that bot not opening wrecks overview after site is cleared, and yes, there was also domination faction wreck, which it just skiped.
I Tested Hunt option Loot Faction wreck, Bot is checking for wrecks [if there was Faction NPC], but it couldn't find the right one wreck, list of wrecks was tall, did change distances in overview, but still couldn't find it, i found wreck manully. I do Haven sites.
Thanks a lot for previous support, a found issues, fixed it, works now fine!
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 27
Last Edit: 2019/04/05 08:22 By Suntwo.
Re: About looting faction wrecks 5 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 828
If you see that bot fails to find and loot faction wreck, despite it is visible in overview, send me log file. Also open ErrorHandler folder. It is in data folder of the bot and may be opened in menu->tools->data folder button. Bot record screens after every attempt to scroll overview. Attach those screens too.
To record log check link in my signature.
Send logs to my mail -  with subject 'log files' to pass spam filter.
How to record logs in knowledge base
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