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TOPIC: [deleted]
[deleted] 5 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
[deleted] obivosly bot wasn't seeing with war standing local, was checking local before war standing dude showed up, and just right after checking, dude with war standing showed up, bot did ammo reload, dock out, almost warp to, i stopped it.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 27
Last Edit: 2019/04/03 09:38 By Suntwo.
Re: [deleted] 5 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 828
Send me screen of war icon as screen.bmp, I will check colors.
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Re: [deleted] 5 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 828
What was the problem with war standing icons detection? Icons look the same, nothing need to change. Make sure local chat is expanded and unpinned. There is a setting to expand local chat during first run in shared settings->first run wizard settings. If necessary pause bot during first run, unpin local chat and unpause.
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