luiscarvalhofb wrote:
Just to let u know, I remove Ytiri from the corporation list to increase faster the others ones.
I have like 6.9 with Ytiri and 2,3 or less with the others. I don't know if I'm doing something in the incorrect way, but it happened. I don't leave the bot 6/6 and because I use this bot with others in the same machine. I'll try to get VM set up and this way I'll make the correct use with others accounts. For now I'm just testing.
When you have a VM and other IP in this machine, the account is separated from the others. So, I'll not be able to send isk from this acc to others acc, right?
So how can I use this isk?
best regards!
Couple main reasons for running courier bot is to level up standing with entire Faction (Caldari in this case) and to get ISK + implant + LP rewards.
Higher standing allows access to higher level missions but also has other benefits such as lower broker fees when using the trader. Official Broker fee formula looks like this "BrokerFee % = (1 – 0.05 × BrokerRelationsSkillLevel) / 2 ^ (0.14 × FactionStanding + 0.06 × CorporationStanding)". As you can see the Faction Standing has a much bigger role in the final Broker Fee calculation over the individual Corp Standing.
Additionally higher level missions give better LP rewards that then can be converted to ISK. And if you look at LP-to-ISK conversion rates for the corporations in the guide you will see that they are mostly similar. So realistically it does not matter which individual corporations standings you are leveling that much and in fact it can be beneficial to continue leveling with the same corp so it might allow you to buy LP rewards that cost more LP but have better LP-to-ISK conversion rates.
As to running VMs and separation IPs. My understanding is that as soon as your accounts are "linked" by the same hardware/IP you are mostly out of luck regarding moving the money. You should take a look at a discussion
here regarding moving ISK. Bottom line is - always run bots in VMs with random MAC addresses, registry edits, Proxy/VPN setup, CPU ID modification, and other security features discussed in these forums + guides.