Corp Bookmarking Miners (0 viewing)
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TOPIC: Corp Bookmarking Miners
Re: Corp Bookmarking Miners 6 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 4
If the images are updated the scripts should work? I only just tried it so I dont know how it worked before the font change. I updated them with same pixel sizes even but when I remove the semicolon for testing it uses the shortcut to bring up the make new bookmark window and then closes autohotkey without changing the bookmark name or dropdown or clicking submit. Anyone have tips to fix/update it for testing?
Expert Boarder
Posts: 361
Re: Corp Bookmarking Miners 6 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Fenchly wrote:
And, so images did change. Best I could find is the images for Personal Locations and Corporation locations have changed. To complicate matters with my excellent image editing abilities, both the Corporation Locations images for in the top of the drop down and in the drop down list now register differently.
My solution was to create the two images prefacing the Corp Location in the Drop Down window, not list, with "DD":
I then added a DDWantedImage to the top of the script and placed a check for the DDWantedImage in the first check for corporate locations. This needed to be done in both the Can script and the Belt script.
Not "elegant" but it worked.
You mind sharing your fix? I tried two separate images but AHK still doesnt click the dropdown for some reason
Expert Boarder
Posts: 361
Re: Corp Bookmarking Miners 6 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 33
I made this example to encourage others to get into developing their own solutions. You need 4 images now. 2 for each because the font is different in the drop-down. That needs to be updated so that it uses the drop-down images when the drop-down is used.
Re: Corp Bookmarking Miners 6 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
innominate wrote:
I made this example to encourage others to get into developing their own solutions. You need 4 images now. 2 for each because the font is different in the drop-down. That needs to be updated so that it uses the drop-down images when the drop-down is used.
Yeah I made new images with separate image for dropdown and already selected correct corp folder. Is this what needed to be added & edited in the script:
Added in top:
WantedDDBMType := "BookmarkDDCorporationLocations.png"
;Look for corporate in dropdown
ImageSearch, tmpPersX, tmpPersY, tmpX + 50, tmpY + 120, tmpX + 280, tmpY + 400, *30 %WantedDDBMType%
Expert Boarder
Posts: 361
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