Multiclient Use

Multiclient instructions:

Note: you can start the maximum number of clients when in trial mode. However, the number of started clients in the full version mode will be limited by the number of valid licenses you have in program installation directory.

Note: 3-pack license (code sm3) is a set of 3 stand alone licenses. You may use them on one computer or split between computers. If you want to run 6 clients at the same time, you need two 3-packs or three 2-packs and so on.

Recommendations for multiclient mining:

Please consider that multiclient mining is not done in one EVE Online window. It is not possible to monitor every window in real time. The longest operation - starting and loading EVE Online takes about two minutes and during this time all of your clients in space can be damaged by NPC's or players. If you need to start 5 characters, the first character will wait about 10 minutes before it gets the attention of  EVE Miner once it has initially started. The number one rule: if you use multiclient you should be able to permatank NPCs.