LP Collection  

LP Collection addon will automatically convert your LP to ISKs. Bot will analyze what items to buy for LP and ISKs with higher profit, transport and install sell order in Jita. Orders installed by bot are updated once a day without further profit check. LP Collection addon may be used to convert any LP to ISKs, e.g. from faction warfare bot.

'Enable LP Collection' - starting functional

'Min LP /Corp' - only those corporations with higher stock of LP will be used. The less this value the earlier bot spend LP. Items which require less LP are not profitable or difficult to sell.

'Min LP Cost (ISK)' - bot will not purchase item if final conversion rate less then this value.

'Max LP Cost (ISK)' - when nobody is selling items bot will install new order with this conversion rate. Dont set it too high, nobody will buy your implant for 100m if usual price is 20m

'Max Cargo Price' - bot will transport items in the same ship as courier does missions. It may be suicide ganked if you carry too expensive cargo. To avoid this set max cargo price.

'Max orders' - number of order slots your character has. Alfa account with max trade skill has 17 slots.

'Min Trade Volume' - trade volume in ISKs is a product of average price and daily trade volume in The Forge region reported by CCP. Bot using this setting to skip rarely sold items.

'Max Worktime' - set this value to split time between LP collection and regular courier mission run. If no LP left bot will switch to courier w/o delay.

'Restart Interval' - if you want to start LP Collection several times a day set this value. Default is 24h.